Challenges And Opportunities In Online Education In Sri Lanka During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence From The University Of Kelaniya
COVID-19, Online Education, Challenges, OpportunitiesAbstract
The Sri Lankan government and the University Grant Commission
(UGC) of Sri Lanka have encouraged every university and higher
education institution to adopt online education methods in response
to ongoing issues with the COVID-19 virus. This study examines
the challenges and new opportunities in online education in Sri
Lanka during the covid-19 epidemic. A qualitative approach was
utilized to achieve the study's goals, and semi-structured interviews
were conducted to gather data. The respondents were
undergraduates and faculty members of the University of Kelaniya.
Thematic analysis was performed to analyze the outcomes of the
study. This research identified three major challenges and four
significant opportunities in online education at the University of
Kelaniya. The researchers also made several recommendations for
an effective online education strategy based on the study's findings.
The results provide essential guidance for modernizing
conventional education and propose that Sri Lankan educational
institutions reassess their learning methods.
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