Evaluation Of Implementation Of MBKM: Does Academic Stress Affect On Student Learning Outcomes?
Stress is a psychological symptom that we often encounter in everyday life, where
every individual must have experienced it. Students as a milestone in the success of a
nation are required to be able to adapt to the environment quickly. This study aims to
determine whether there is academic stress on student learning outcomes at the
University of Muhammadiyah Lamongan, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Management Study Program. This type of research is observational with a crosssectional design. The population in this study were all students of the 2019/2020 and
2020/2021 Management Study Programs with a total population of 173 people. The
sampling technique used was total sampling from the population. The method of data
collection was done by distributing questionnaires to respondents. Furthermore,
statistical tests were carried out using the chi square test with 0.05. Based on the
research results show that; 1) stressors from academic stress Management study
program students in semester 5 and 3 have high gains. This means that students feel
that MBKM's academic activities make them feel stressed. More specifically, the
greatest stressor is caused by pressure from learning and self-expectations that are
not met, 2) Student learning outcomes in the implementation of the independent
learning curriculum are included in the sufficient category. That is, cognitive
competence or knowledge, affective or feeling, and psychomotor or skills obtained
from MBKM are not too high or not too low. 3) The relationship between academic
stress and student learning outcomes is positive and significant. It means. the higher
the degree of student academic stress, the lower the learning outcomes, and vice
versa, and 4) the implementation of MBKM from the student's point of view has a
good impact on their self-development. However, in order for the implementation to
take place optimally, students, lecturers, and stakeholders can work together in
preparing to participate in the next MBKM, such as formulating the implementation
of the MBKM more clearly and carefully, as well as equipping students with the skills
to learn independently.
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