Business Strategy Analysis For Spin-Off and Islamic Banking Growth: Canvas Business Model Approach
(“UUS” – Unit Usaha Syariah) in each conventional bank must begin preparing
for spin-offs process following the OJK policy which they must be spin-off before
July 2023. However, there are still many “UUS” that need to be spin-off into
BUS, where UUS is part of the Islamic Business Unit in every conventional bank
(“BUK” – Bank Umum Konvensional).The aim of this paper is to provide a
comprehensive analysis of business strategy for supporting the spin-off process
“UUS” become “BUS” and business strategy for Islamic banking growth by
utilizing the Canvas business model approach. This research was conducted using
SWOT analysis methods to confirm the effective business strategies for spin-offs
through analysis of existing business strategies at “UUS” with utilizing the nine
blocks of Canvas's business model (Customer Segment, Value Proposition,
Customer Relations, Channel, Revenue Stream, Main Activity, Main Resources,
Major Partners and Cost Structure). The results of this study show that business
strategy on "Growth Strategy" and "Rapid Growth Strategy" are aligned with
"Leveraging with Dual Banking Leverage Model" that has been implemented in
"UUS". The results showed that business strategy with dual banking leverage
model (DBLM) is an effective strategy to support spin-off and growth of Islamic
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