Peer Coaching Model To improve the competence of PAUD teachers in applying Scientific Learning
Teachers have a role that determines the success of learning, including in early
childhood education (PAUD). Scientific learning is one of the recommended
approaches in PAUD, but the competence of teachers in implementing it is still low
even though they have attended various related trainings. Peer coaching is one of
the professional development models inherent in the work of teachers, but teachers
need to be prepared to apply it consistently and sustainably. The peer coaching
model developed prepares teachers in a series of collaborations with fellow
teachers starting from determining focus, making observations, reflecting on
observations, providing inspiring feedback and actively making improvements and
strengthening so as to ensure the continuity of the professional development of
PAUD teachers. From the results of the development and internal testing of the
model, it is proven that the model is feasible to be applied. The results of field trials
also prove that the peer coaching model is effective in increasing the competence of
PAUD teachers in implementing scientific learning through the three stages of the
peer coaching cycle.
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