Motivation For Learning In Virtual Environments, Online Self-Regulated Learning, And Writing Performance Of OMSC Students
This study aimed to assess students’ independent study strategies by looking through their motivation for learning in
virtual environments, online self-regulated learning, and writing performance. A descriptive-correlation and predictive
method of research were used in this study. Respondents of the study were 150 first year college students who were
enrolled in the online classes of the course, Purposive Communication and were identified using proportional random
sampling. Several instruments were used by the researcher including the survey questionnaires about motivation and
online self-regulated learning as well as the students’ online writing outputs in Purposive Communication. Students’
writing performance was measured using an adapted rubric. Results of the study revealed that college students have high
level of motivation for learning in virtual environment in terms of autonomous and controlled while low in terms of
demotivation. Overall, the college students have high level of online self-regulated learning. Moreover, college students
have high level of performance in writing as to the content, organization, vocabulary and style while moderate in terms
of grammar and mechanics. Findings also revealed that there is significant relationship between motivation for learning
in virtual environments and online self-regulated learning, between motivation for learning in virtual environments and
writing performance, and between online self-regulated learning and writing performance. Moreover, results yield that
controlled motivation predicts online self-regulated learning, autonomous motivation predicts wiring performance as
well as persistence. This study concluded that the higher the motivation and online self-regulated learning, the higher the
writing performance of the students.
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