E-Learning Related Attitudes, English Language Learning Strategies, And Academic Performance In English Of Grade 9 Students Of Divine Word College Of San Jose
This study aimed to assess students’ academic performance in English by looking through their e-learning
related attitudes and their English language learning strategies. Descriptive-correlational and descriptivepredictive research designs were used in this study. Respondents of the study were 150 Grade 9 students of who
were enrolled in English 9 synchronous learning and were selected through probability sampling. Respondents’
attitude toward e-learning was measured using Test of E-learning Related Attitude (TeLRA) Scale and the extent
of English language learning strategies of the students was measured using Strategy Inventory of Language
Learning (SILL). Their academic performance in English was measured based on their quarterly grades in their
English subject. Results of the study revealed that the students have neutral attitude toward e-learning and they
use English language learning strategies such as affective, memory compensation, metacognitive, cognitive, and
social strategies at a high extent. The students were found highly proficient in English. No significant
relationship was found between and among e-learning related attitudes, English language learning strategies,
and academic performance in English. Moreover, only metacognitive strategies best predicts academic
performance and only challenges of e-learning best predicts the English language learning strategies of the
students. This study concluded that e-learning attitude and English language strategies has nothing to do with
students' academic performance in English.
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