Decision Support System for Thesis Session Pass Recommendation Using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) Method
Decision Support System, Thesis Session, Pass, AHP.Abstract
The background this time is how the scoring system is still objective in the thesis trial system, therefore with
this decision support system, the objective assessment will become a definite scoring system, and will be
able to help examiners provide the best advice to take. decisions to be taken during the student thesis trial.
The method used in this research is to use quantitative methods, by conducting a librarian study and then
combined with data taken from student participants in the thesis examination, with the library study
method, it will be possible to explore this research and data processing will also be maximized. Many
systems use the AHP algorithm method to make decisions that are difficult to make, using the AHP method
can be taken into consideration in making decisions, because data processing using the AHP method will
provide the best advice for making an important decision. This research will produce a system proposal and
how the data is obtained, then how the data is processed to produce a system proposal, which is best for
making decisions about students who are currently passing their thesis exams or not, with the proposed
system will greatly help the examiner take decisions that were previously objective.
Keywords: Decision Support System, Thesis Session, Pass, AHP.
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Copyright (c) 2021 V. H. Valentino, Heri Satria Setiawan, Aswin Saputra, Yuli Haryanto, Arman Syah Putra

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