Effectiveness Of E-Government Implementation In Public Services In The Land Office Of Semarang City
Public service, Effectiveness, E-GovernmentAbstract
The development of increasingly sophisticated information technology requires that the public service system must be
upgraded to an electronic system. One way is to implement the E-Government system in realizing electronic-based
government. The E-Government system is intended to make government administration easier, faster, transparent, and
effective. The E-Government system is determined by the principles of good governance, such as law enforcement,
efficiency and effectiveness of state administration, public participation and justice. The implementation of the system
involves human resources who can support the application of the system and also provide information to the public
regarding the use of the E-Government system. Legal regulations related to the E-Government system have been stated
in Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2003 concerning National Policies and Strategies for E-Government
Development, where the rapid advancement of communication and information technology and the potential for its
widespread use can open up access, management and utilization of information in capacity. large ones quickly and
accurately. This study uses a normative juridical approach which analyzes the results of research in the field with
applicable legal regulations. A qualitative approach is used to emphasize the aspect of in-depth understanding of a
problem. The purpose of this paper is to determine the implementation of the E-Government system in public services
at the Semarang City Land Office, Of course, since the pandemic, the E-Government system can be a solution in terms
of public services, given the limitations of the public to come directly. The implementation cannot be separated from
the obstacles that occur, so it can be seen the obstacles and the solutions provided so that the use of the E-Government
system can be even better.
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