Overview Of Criminal Law Against The Crime Of Law Of Minor Child (Case Study At Polres Wonosobo)
Obscenity, Crime, ChildrenAbstract
The crime of obscenity is part of the crime against decency. Where obscene acts do
not only occur in adults but also occur in minors. Either directly or indirectly,
children who are victims of sexual abuse crimes experience various disturbances to
themselves, both physical and non-physical, resulting from these events. In writing
this thesis (the author discusses the problem of the factors that cause the occurrence
of crimes of sexual abuse against minors and efforts to prevent and overcome them.
Perpetrators of crimes of sexual abuse against minors in committing a crime are
carried out in various ways to fulfil or achieve their sexual desires, not only children
who are victims but children can sometimes become perpetrators of sexual abuse.
The author concludes that the factors that can increase and influence the occurrence
of criminal acts of sexual abuse against minors are environmental factors, cultural
factors, economic factors, media factors, and psychological or psychological factors
of the perpetrators.
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