Determinant Parents Of Student’s Decision In Choosing Junior High School (SMP) Education Services In Banten Province And Its Implications On Student Parent Satisfaction
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of service quality on decisions,
costs on decisions, CRM on decisions on satisfaction, service quality on satisfaction, costs on
satisfaction, CRM on satisfaction, service quality on satisfaction through decisions and costs on
satisfaction through decisions. and knowing CRM to satisfaction through decisions. The population
of this research is parents of students who send their children to private junior high schools in
Banten Province with a total of 4,707 schools and a sample of 200 schools while the number of
parents of students is 370. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method with
explanatory survey approach and data analysis methods using SEM with the help of SmartPLS.
Based on the results of the study, the following findings were obtained: service quality has a
positive and significant effect on decisions, costs have a positive and significant effect on decisions,
CRM has a positive and significant effect on decisions, decisions affect satisfaction and service
quality has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, cost has a positive and significant effect
on satisfaction and CRM has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, service quality, cost,
CRM has a positive effect on satisfaction through decisions. Therefore, the decision variable is a
full mediating variable.The implication of the results of this study is that to increase Parental
Satisfaction of Students at Junior High Schools in Banten Province, especially in the high level of
Always Buying, it will be able to be increased if Junior High Schools in Banten Province are able
to improve Parental Decisions in Choosing Schools, especially on the high dimensions of product
choice (choice of choice). product), where the Decision of Parents of Students in Choosing Junior
High Schools in Banten Province will be able to be improved if Junior High Schools in Banten
Province are able to improve Customer Relationship Management, especially in the high
development and increase in Education Costs, especially in the high cost of school supplies and
equipment and improve the quality of service, especially in the high level of assurance (guarantee).
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