Analysis Of The Safety Dojo Program To Increase Job Competitiveness Of Titl Graduates In Vocational Education
Research this aim to : (1) know influence variable attitude to power competitive work
students in the laboratory competence TITL expertise in SMK (2) know influence habit
behavior to power competitive work students in the laboratory competence TITL
expertise in SMK (3) knowing influence use safety dojo to power competitive work
students in the laboratory competence TITL expertise in SMK and (4) knowing
influence attitude , habit behavior and use safety dojo to power competitive work
students in the laboratory competence TITL expertise in SMK. Study this use approach
study ex post facto with method study mixed (mixed methods) with Triangulation
design, using analysis descriptive and analysis regression. Instrument study use
observation, documentation, interview, and questionnaire. subject study as many as 17
teachers and 32 participants educate competence TITL expertise. The object of this
research is the safety dojo program and the competence of the participants educate
competence the TITL expertise needed in the world of work. The results showed that:
(1) Attitude variable had a significant positive effect on the work competitiveness of
SMK students (β = 0.709, p < 0.05) (2) Behavioral Habits variable partially gave a
significant positive influence on the work competitiveness of SMK students (β = 0.342,
p < 0.05) (3) The variable of using the Safety Dojo partially gave a significant positive
effect on the competitiveness of SMK students (β = 0.196, p < 0.05) and (4) the
variables of Attitude, Behavioral Habits, and the Use of the Safety Dojo together gave
significant effect on the competitiveness of vocational students (R² = 0.621, F-hit =
27.804, p < 0.05).
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