An Analysis Of Student’s Reception In An Online Learning Platform (OLP) Using The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)


  • Pilita A. Amahan, DIT Occidental Mindoro State College, Information Technology Department, Philippines
  • Elmer C. Amahan Pedro T. Mendiola Senior Memorial National High School, Philippines



The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is becoming more and more popular for understanding the
acceptance between the perceived usefulness (PU) of humans and the ease of use of perceived
technology (PEOU). This study aims to analyze student acceptance of online learning platforms
(OLPs) and determine the appropriate combination they can offer as higher education believes in
significant changes in the demand for online learning. Researchers used a quantitative and qualitative
approach among 73 information technology students conducted from April to May of the 2021-2022
academic year. The questionnaire used was based on TAM variables and was validated using
Cronbach’s alpha with a result of 0.727. Regression analysis was applied to identify which variables
influence student interests. The results show that the perceived usefulness and visual appeal of the
content are statistically significant at a p-value of 0.048. However, with a p-value of 0.716 achieved, it
turns out that the perceived usefulness is not important to the perceived ease of use. Future
recommendations should consider evaluating other information literacy acquisition variables, such as
recognition of external controls such as computer and information anxiety


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How to Cite

A. Amahan, DIT, P., & C. Amahan, E. . (2023). An Analysis Of Student’s Reception In An Online Learning Platform (OLP) Using The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(1), 112–118.