Designing Esp Learning Instruction In Managements Study Program: A Survey On Students' Needs
English for Specific Purposes, Instructional Materials, Students’NeedsAbstract
The purpose of this research is basically oriented towards the output of teaching materials based on English
for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, State
University of Gorontalo. The research objectives are: (1) identifying the English curriculum at FEB, namely
in the management study program, student character and needs, concept analysis, formulation of learning
objectives, and analyzing teaching materials; (2) designing ESP-based English materials; (3) designing the
format of ESP-based English teaching materials. The research was conducted at the State University of
Gorontalo, Faculty of Economics and Business, especially in the Management study program. The research
method uses a research and development design (Research & Development) which includes 9 (nine stages)
including: 1) developing information and research, 2) planning, 3) developing an initial product form, 4)
initial field testing, 5) product revision, 6) core field test, 7) operational product revision, 8) operational
field test, and 9) final product revision. This form of development was modified with a constructivist
approach. The result showed tat students have a lack of experience studying English. Moreover, most
students say that their English proficiency level is average. Most students say they are unable to fluently
speak. The last category pertains to the students' desire to use proper grammar. The last phase of the need
assessment is the target needs. The five areas of learning needs include input, procedure, setting, student
role, and the teacher's role. The students want to participate in group dialogue and role play as part of the
curriculum, in addition to talking and role playing. The students desire to have group dialogue and role play
prior to undertaking the assignment.
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