Strengthening The Village Economy In Digital Era Through The Proud Made In Indonesia National Movement
The purpose of this research is to get the results of strengthening the village economy through
the proud national movement made in Indonesia in the digital era. This research uses a
qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive method. The data were taken from the
results of observations, documents and forum group discussions at the Proud National
Movement meetings held in Indonesia with government stakeholders. Data were analyzed
through three stages, including 1) data reduction, namely data sorting according to the needs
of research problem analysis, 2) data presentation, namely the process of categorizing data to
be analyzed, and 3) conclusion. The results of the study concluded that there was a positive
impact on the implementation of the proud national movement program made in Indonesia on
strengthening small and medium business actors in villages, especially in the digital era
because business actors can carry out production and marketing innovations digitally or
penetrate village boundaries so that their products can be known more widely. In addition,
business actors have also increased from May 2020 by 8 million to 19.2 million in May 2022
and the target is 30 million by the end of 2023. So, the results of this study provide an
understanding that an economic improvement program must be adjusted to technological
developments and needs. consumers to get wider market opportunities.
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