Protection of Tourism Rights for Persons with Disabilities
People with disabilities in Indonesia still experience difficulties in benefiting from the facilities at tourist attractions.
The matter is not only related to tourist attractions but most of the supporting facilities for the implementation of
tourism activities such as hotels, tour packages and adequate means of transportation are also difficult to find for
persons with disabilities to support tourism activities. Motivated by these matters, there are two issues examined in
the study: (1) how is the protection of persons with disabilities legally regulated in Indonesia? (2) How is the
fulfillment of tourism rights for persons with disabilities in Indonesia implemented?. The method used in this study is
empirical juridical research method. Data for the research were collected using field data collection technique and
library data collection technique. The data were processed and analyzed qualitatively and presented in a qualitative
descriptive method. The results of the study are: first, the essence of protecting the right to carry out tourism
activities, especially in the provision of tourism accessibility rights for persons with disabilities is a form of
Indonesian state’s obligation to provide respect, protection and respect for human rights for all its citizens without
discrimination in order to realize welfare for persons with disabilities. This proportion is regulated in Law Number
8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities, Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, and Government
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 42 of 2020 concerning Accessibility to Settlements, Public Services, and
Protection from Disasters for Persons with Disabilities. Second, the fulfillment of tourism rights for persons with
disabilities in Indonesia has not been implemented properly. These obstacles are caused by the absence of legal
certainty guarantees regarding regulations on the minimum standards of accessibility rights for persons with
disabilities. As a result, in practice, there are still many public facilities supporting tourism activities that are
inaccessible to persons with disabilities. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to have mandatory minimum
standards that must be met so that persons with disabilities can enjoy traveling activities safely and comfortably.
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