Development Of A Creative Economy Based On Cultural Capital In The Culinary Sector Of West Sumatra Tourism Destinations


  • Zusmelia Zusmelia Masters Program In Humanity Stydies, PGRI University West Sumatra, Padang City, Indonesia
  • Ansofino Ansofino Masters Program In Humanity Stydies, PGRI University West Sumatra, Padang City, Indonesia
  • Irwan Irwan Masters Program In Humanity Stydies, PGRI University West Sumatra, Padang City, Indonesia
  • Jimi Ronald Economic Education, PGRI University West Sumatra, Padang City, Indonesia
  • Gebi Cahyani Lubis Sociology Education, PGRI University West Sumatra, Padang City, Indonesia



Development, Creative Economy, Cultural Capital and Culinary.


The focus of this study is to analyze the development of a creative economy based on
cultural capital in the culinary field in the tourist destinations of West Sumatra.This
study uses a qualitative approach that takes a descriptive type. Purposive sampling
was used to select research informants. Research informants are creative economic
actors in the culinary sub-sector. The data collection method begins through indepth interviews, observations and document data collection. The unit of analysis is
carried out from several stages, one of which is data collection, data reduction, data
analysis and drawing conclusions which are referred to in the Miles and Huberman
model. The results of this study indicate that in the development of the creative
economy, the culinary sub-sector based on cultural capital has reached a stage that
generates added value. The development of a creative economy based on cultural
capital is part of how creative entrepreneurs in the culinary field gain networks with
shared knowledge, skills and most importantly a high sense of culture, so that they
can create many benefits for fellow citizens. In developing this creative economy,
the culinary sub-sector can not only create a unique or distinctive taste, but has
reached the stage of creating job opportunities for the local community, adding
insight and knowledge and raising social status in society. Coupled with the
culinary uniqueness provided by each creative artist, it adds value to the
marketability and memory of visitors to visit again.


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How to Cite

Zusmelia, Z. ., Ansofino, A. ., Irwan, I. ., Ronald, J. ., & Cahyani Lubis, G. . (2023). Development Of A Creative Economy Based On Cultural Capital In The Culinary Sector Of West Sumatra Tourism Destinations. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(4), 697–704.


