The Meaning Of Abogean Religiosity In The Perspective Of The Knowledge Sociology Karl Manheim (Case Study In The Kencong Area Of Jember)


  • Bahrudin Bahrudin UIN Khas Jember
  • win usuluddin UIN KHAS Jember
  • Moh. Dahlan UIN KHAS Jember



In carrying out their worship practices, the Aboge are different from the general public: Wudu repeated three times, wirid khususiyah, qunut in every obligatory prayer and other practices. It is done in order to get closer to the creator. based on the ancestral beliefs of the Aboge itself. The methodology is qualitative, Filey Research type, philosophical and phenomenological research approach, Data collection techniques (Observation, Documentation and Interview). and Data analysis uses content analysis which tries to interpret Aboge in the perspective of philosophy and sociology. The results of the study are the Aboge people in the Kencong Jember area which in practice they adopt many of the teachings used by their ancestors. The practices that are done are: Self purification by repeating bathing and ablution with a number of 3 times to 5 times, Bedug which is beaten as a sign of prayer, Qunut which is done both for the five daily prayers and Sunnah, and Wirid Aboge which is done with two stages. The meanings they give in each practice are: Purity, Blessing, Prayer, Medicine/Syifak, and Cultural Heritage. Factors that influence the meaning of knowledge and teachings from their ancestors.


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This tradition is a Javanese tradition that instills the values of Islamic teachings. Islamic values that are embedded in the Aboge are inserted in the form of several practices and cultural traditions of the community, so that Islam is considered according to the interpretation of each individual within the scope of society.

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Mantheng or Manther is a term in a digital Javanese dictionary that means obedient, loyal, and focused on what is being done. This was confirmed in the Observation on November 20, 2022, that the persistence of the Aboge people as social beings in the rituals and worship practices that were carried out was true.

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Data BPS area Kencong District Jember Regency on date 23 Desember 2022

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How to Cite

Bahrudin, B., win usuluddin, & Moh. Dahlan. (2023). The Meaning Of Abogean Religiosity In The Perspective Of The Knowledge Sociology Karl Manheim (Case Study In The Kencong Area Of Jember). International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(4), 777–783.


