Educational Adjustment Problems And Anxiety Level Of Adolescent Transitional Students From Self Financing To Government Schools In Kerala


  • Sarath Chandran R. School of Pedagogical Sciences, Kannur University, Kannur, Kerala, South India



Educational adjustment problems, Anxiety and Adolescent transitional students


Educational adjustment problems and anxiety are the two major psychological issues facing
the students in their adolescent period. This study helps to find out the level of educational
adjustment problems and anxiety level of adolescent transitional students from selffinancing to government schools in Kerala. In this study investigator defined the term
transitional students as those who students undergo change their school in terms of
curriculum. That is, from self- financing to Govt. Schools. Self-financing schools follows
NCERT syllabus and rigid curriculum while Govt. Schools follows SCERT curriculum with
constructivist approach. NCERT curriculum is more teacher-centered but SCERT
curriculum is more student-centered. Purposive sampling technique was used in this study
with sample size of three hundred (N=300) students from various districts of Kerala. In this
study, the investigator administered Educational Adjustment Scale and anxiety scale for
adolescent students those who undergo transition from self-financing to Govt. Schools. The
present study reveals also that the relationship between educational adjustment problems
and anxiety among adolescent transitional students from self-financing to Govt. schools.


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How to Cite

Chandran R., S. . (2023). Educational Adjustment Problems And Anxiety Level Of Adolescent Transitional Students From Self Financing To Government Schools In Kerala. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(4), 730–736.


