Critical Study Of Muhammad Syahrur's Hermeneutics On The Veil And Its Relevation In The Indonesian Context
The developments that continued until the 19th century were the starting point for
the revival of the Arab world. A strong desire to rise to what is called the era of
modernity. One form of responding to the progress of knowledge in Islamic studies
is the emergence of academics or researchers with various innovations they
promote. One of them is Muhammad Syahrur. He is a well-known reformer in the
world of interpretation of the Qur’an and Hadith. The breakthroughs made in
reinterpreting the texts made him a barometer for analyzes in studying the texts of
the Qur'an and Hadith. The empirical framework of thinking through the hudud
theory approach which is used as an approach in interpreting the Qur’an makes him
a progressive Islamic figure who tries to escape the influence of the hegemony of
classical interpretation which he considers no longer able to answer the problems of
the reality of a quite dynamic society. This research will focus on Syahrur's
perspective in reinterpreting the concept of the veil in the Qur’an. This research will
attempt to reveal the differences between Syahrur's interpretation and classical
ulama and how it is relevant to the realities of contemporary society.
According to him, even though the commands in the Qur’an were given to the wives of the Prophet SAW. but it
also binds all Muslim women.
According to him, clothing that is in accordance with Islamic law is clothing that can cover the entire body, apart
from the face and palms. And it is also recommended that women wear clothes that are not tight, because narrow
clothes can shape a woman's body, don't wear thin, see-through clothes so that parts of the woman's body in the
clothes are visible. In fact, if he is worried about slander, he is required to wear a face and palm covering,
clothing that is in accordance with Islamic law, namely clothing that can cover his face and palms.
According to him, women are not obliged to wear the hijab (veil) because the hijab (veil) is an Arab cultural
custom, which is done because of tradition, not because of obligation. The use of the hijab (veil) is adjusted to
the situation and conditions of need. Women who cover their entire body or except their face and palms have
carried out the text of the verses of the Koran, perhaps even excessively. However, at the same time, it is
unreasonable for us to say to those who do not wear a headscarf, or reveal half their arms, that they have
definitely violated religious instructions. Source: Shihab, M. Quraish, Jilbab pakaian wanita Muslimah, Lentera
Hati, Jakarta, 2004, pp. 166.
According to him, the hijab (veil) must be emphasized because it is a form of Islamic teachings and has positive
values for the interaction between men and women. However, five years later, he refuted his own defense in his
book "Tahrir Al-Mar'ah". According to him, the hijab (veil) was only an Arab tradition and not an obligation in
the Islamic religion. So it is very possible to change the tradition of wearing the hijab (veil) in accordance with
the demands of the times, such as the hijab tradition in Greece or Europe. Source: Amin, Qasim, Tahrir alMar'ah, Dar al-Ma'arif, Egypt, 1899, pp. 81.
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culture. In fact, he said that the verse about the hijab (veil) does not contain the legal provisions of qat'i and the
hadiths which are references regarding the obligation to wear the jilbab or hijab are Ahad hadiths which cannot
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