The Effectiveness Of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) And Project-Based Learning (PJBL) Learning Models On Disaster Mitigation Materials On Learning Motivation Of Xi Social Studies Class
Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Project-Based Learning (PjBL), MANOVA and Learning Motivation.Abstract
The purpose of this research is (1) Researchers want to know the learning
motivation of students in disaster mitigation material if using the PBL model,
(2) Researchers want to know the learning motivation of students in disaster
mitigation material if using the PJBL model. This research method uses
quantitative methods with a quasi-experimental approach. This research was
conducted in two classes, namely class XI IPS 2 as the first experimental
group with a project-based learning method (PBL) and class XI IPS 3 as the
second experimental group with a problem-based learning method (PBL).
The analysis used is the MANOVA analysis technique, which is a multivariate
analysis to test stimulate differences between two or more dependent
variables. The results of this study are: (1) the PjBL learning model is
effectively used in the first experimental class (2) the PBL learning model is
effectively used in the second experimental class.
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