Formation Of Student’s Religious Character Throught Dzikir And Sholawat Assembly At Universitas Islam Balitar (UNISBA) Blitar


  • winarto winarto Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar, East Java, Indonesia
  • Mohammad Sodiq Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar, East Java, Indonesia
  • Siti Nurlatifah Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar, East Java, Indonesia
  • Linta Zahria Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar, East Java, Indonesia



The current globalization has led Indonesian society to distort the nation’s character education. In fact,
character education is a very important foundation of the nation and needs to be instilled early in
chiidren, as well as in adolescents who are stepping into adulthood. The current changing conditions
encourage students to have high and strong religiosity. With a strong religiosity, students can become a
strong person who is not easily swayed by changing times. The Dzikir and Sholawat assembly at
UNISBA , apart from being a medium for Dzikir and a medium for student character devalopment, is
expected to be a medium for strengthening the religious character of students. The difference in attitude
between students shows the difference between those who follow regularly and those who never follow at
all. Therefore, one of the Applications is throught religious character building throught the Dzikir and
Sholawat assembly for Students at UNISBA Blitar. A greet nation does not only rely on natural
resources, but must also be supported by human resources that have a strong characte. Human
resources will contribute to realizing the dignity of the nation. Globalization that is sweeping the nation
today encourages people to have poor character. The impact of globalization with a relatively fast time
causes culture to change completely. In the above case, character becomes very important in fortifying
the nation’s generation to have a good personality. So that research on the formation of religious
character in the nation’s next generation more narrowly in students is seen as very critical to be studied
and researched compreshensively. This research will try to find the formation of religious character
through the Dzikir and Sholawat assembly of UNISBA Blitar. This research uses a case type skinative
approach. Data analysis using Kut Lewi’s 3-step theory.


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How to Cite

winarto, winarto, Sodiq, M. ., Nurlatifah, S. ., & Zahria, L. . (2023). Formation Of Student’s Religious Character Throught Dzikir And Sholawat Assembly At Universitas Islam Balitar (UNISBA) Blitar. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(6), 1074–1079.