Post-Pandemic Preparedness For Blended Learning Among University Of Mataram Students
In implementing college courses that utilize blended learning, various
challenges have emerged. Internet connectivity is identified as a key issue in
online learning, according to research findings. Another study highlights
evaluation of learning as a significant challenge for educators in higher
education. Preliminary investigations show an increase in student cheating,
particularly plagiarism, during online courses. This research aims to assess
the readiness of FKIP University of Mataram students for blended learning
courses. It is a quantitative study using a descriptive approach, where a
learning readiness survey instrument with a scoring system is employed.
Data are qualitatively analyzed across five key dimensions. The results
indicate that students confidently use various platforms like Ms. Office and
online course applications, have strong self-directed learning abilities, good
learner control, are self-motivated, and can communicate effectively online.
Based on these findings, the study concludes that students at the University
of Mataram are well-prepared for blended learning.
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