Competition Laws And Digital Markets In Developing Countries


  • Rachid El Bazzim Professor in public law, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir (Morocco)



Competition, Digital economy, Developing countries, Cooperation and Interim measures.


Developing countries have responded to the extremely rapid growth of the digital economy and new
associated model platforms by introducing measures to regulate them. However, these measures most
often appear to already be outdated. Simultaneously, competition law seems unable to control these
evolutions, in part because of the tools which are inapplicable to this new economy. Competition law has
demonstrated a flexibility allowing it to adapt to different sectors. Far from pushing for disguised or
authoritarian interventionism, it supports changing the culture, tools and procedures used and moving
towards regional cooperation to better understand the digital economy. There is no doubt that speed of
execution is a key element in determining its effectiveness. Hence, this contribution also examines using
provisional measures as procedural tools. Developing countries must pursue developments that will
profoundly change their societies and foundational legal standards. The increasing emergence of
connected objects on the market will create or modify many interdependent markets, which may in turn
highlight new issues. Thus, it will be necessary for these countries to know how to address the problems
that will arise, including the question of the local economy and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs).
Competition law and the competition authorities that practice it must evolve to accompany changes and
ensure the proper function of the economies of developing countries.


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How to Cite

El Bazzim, R. . (2023). Competition Laws And Digital Markets In Developing Countries. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(6), 1051–1058.