Predictors Of Youth Conflict In Ebonyi State: The Perspective Of Christian Religion On The Conflict Managements


  • Nkechi Clementina Njoku Department of Arts and Social Science Education Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
  • Patricia Ebere Nwazonobi Department of Philosophy, Religion and Peace Studies, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria
  • Anugwo Margaret Ndidiamaka Department of Science Education, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
  • Patrick Eni Eluu Department of Mass Communication, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
  • Kenneth Adibe Nwafor Department of Mass Communication, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
  • Scholastica A Orji Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria.
  • Patricia C. Ngwakwe Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria.
  • Eunice N. Afoke Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria.
  • Nome Ujebe Department of Business Management & Entrepreneurship. Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
  • Ede Francisca Nwakaego Department of Educational Foundations, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria.
  • Rosaline Alor Department of Physical and Health Education, Ebonyi State University College of Education Ikwo, Nigeria
  • Martin OE. Nwoba Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, EBSU, Nigeria
  • Christian O. Aleke Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria.



Conflict is an integral part of day- to-day life because when people live, associate and work together as a group, conflict is inevitable. The study determined predictors of youth’s conflict in ebonyi state and the perspective of Christian religion on the conflict managements. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey research design. The population of the study comprised all the youths in the affected communities of the State, while a total of three hundred (300) youths were selected using purposive sampling technique. Structured questionnaire were the instrument used for data collection. The analysis of data were done using mean and standard deviation. The findings reveals overall mean scores of ( = 3.1), which revealed that the items studied are high predictors of youth conflict in Ebonyi State. The result further shows the overall mean scores of ( = 3.2), which is above the criterion mean of 2.50, which indicated that conflict among the youth could be resolved/managed through Christian Religion education. The study concluded that the government at all levels and the concerned stakeholder of the communities should as a matter of fact imbibe and make the teaching and learning of Christian Religion studies compulsory in schools.


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How to Cite

Clementina Njoku, N., Ebere Nwazonobi, P. ., Margaret Ndidiamaka, A. ., Eni Eluu, P. ., Adibe Nwafor, K. ., A Orji, S. ., C. Ngwakwe, P. ., N. Afoke, E. ., Ujebe, N. ., Francisca Nwakaego, E. ., Alor, R., OE. Nwoba, M., & O. Aleke, C. . (2024). Predictors Of Youth Conflict In Ebonyi State: The Perspective Of Christian Religion On The Conflict Managements. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 5(3), 489–496.




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