International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2024-12-26T17:28:55+00:00 Dr. Arman Harahap, M.Si Open Journal Systems International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences (IJERSC) Effect of Teacher’s Quality on Academic Performance of Pupils in Private Secondary Schools in Hargeisa District, Somaliland 2024-11-10T05:53:31+00:00 Ahmed Aden Akeem Ajibola <p><em>This study was investigating the effect of teacher’s quality on academic performance of pupils in private secondary schools in Hargeisa districts;</em><em> Teacher qualifications were operationalized as pedagogical processes, knowledge of subject of matter and teacher’s attitudes.The study a risen issue from declined performance of pupils were well demonstrated in study. An increasing the failure of students in recently years from 2018-2022; there was an increase of 6.1% in “D” grades which that reflect an increase of failure students in private secondary schools. Therefore; in this study investigated how take part or effect teacher’s quality on academic performance of pupils in private secondary schools in Hargeisa districts. In additionally the research design was used in this study was a cross-sectional study because it was quick and relatively simple to conducted, also the sample sized collected from information were sample of 169 teacher includes principles and sample of 80 student’s record mid-term examination from private secondary schools in Hargeisa districts. In this study found that; teacher qualification; F( 2,166 )= 3.06;P = 0.00, Pedagogical process; F (2, 166) =3.06 ;P=.002, Knowledge of subject matter; F( 2,166) =3.06, P = 0.002 and teacher’s attitude; </em><em>F (2, 166) = 3.06; P = 0.001.Such that in those factors are statistical significance which that mean they affect the academic performance of pupils in private secondary schools in Hargeisa districts. </em><em>By identifying and understanding the key factors influencing on academic performance of pupils in private secondary schools in Hargeisa.In particularly those factors teacher qualifications pedagogical processes, knowledge of subject of matter and teacher’s attitudes. </em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Determinants Of Financial Literacy, Digital Literacy, Internet Penetration And Consumer Confidence Level Mediated By Fintech Growth On Retail Industry Growth In Indonesia 2024-12-17T16:59:06+00:00 Anggarwati Sapta Rini Abdul Mukti Soma <p><em>This study evaluates how financial literacy, digital literacy, internet penetration, and consumer confidence influence retail industry growth in Indonesia, emphasizing the mediating role of fintech. In</em> <em>the era of industry 4.0, technology, especially fintech, has transformed conventional financial business models into digital ones, accelerating transactions and financial inclusion. The Covid-19 pandemic has further driven digitalization, although it has posed major challenges for the retail industry. This study aims to determine the actual impact of the development of fintech applications including the influence of financial literacy, digital literacy, internet penetration and consumer confidence levels on the development or growth of retail in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative method with a focus on analyzing the relationship between financial literacy, digital literacy, internet penetration, and consumer confidence levels in the growth of the retail industry, both directly and through the mediation of fintech growth. The data used are secondary data that include information on the financial literacy index, digital literacy index, internet penetration level, consumer confidence index, fintech adoption level, and retail performance indicators. To overcome incomplete data, imputation and proxy variable methods are used. The analysis was conducted using multiple linear regression to identify direct relationships between variables, and structural equation modeling (SEM) to comprehensively evaluate the influence of fintech mediation. This study shows that financial literacy, digital literacy, and consumer confidence levels have a significant influence on retail growth, both with and without fintech growth mediation. Digital literacy and consumer confidence levels have a positive impact, reflecting that understanding of digital technology and consumer confidence contribute to retail development. Conversely, financial literacy shows a negative influence. Internet penetration does not show a significant influence on retail growth, either directly or through fintech mediation.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Factors Affecting Primary School Population And The Influence Of Socialization Agents 2024-12-03T08:30:28+00:00 Ann Ngozi Ugobueze <p><em>The primary aim of the present study is to understand how demographic, economic, cultural, policy, and environmental factors influence primary school populations, and how various socialization agents, including families, peers, media, schools, and government institutions, contribute to shaping children’s educational experiences. The study identifies key demographic trends such as birth rates, migration, and urbanization, as well as economic challenges like poverty and disparities in access to educational resources, that directly affect school enrollment patterns. Cultural attitudes toward education, gender roles, and government interventions, particularly in terms of policy and funding, further influence these dynamics. Additionally, health crises and access to sanitation are recognized as critical environmental factors impacting primary school populations. The study also looked into the role of socialization agents in influencing children’s educational decisions and retention. Families, particularly parents' educational background and socioeconomic status, play a significant role in shaping children’s educational trajectories. Peer influence, media representations of schooling, and the school environment itself are all important socialization forces that impact children's school choices, attitudes toward education, and retention. Moreover, community involvement and advocacy by local and national organizations are essential for fostering educational equity and inclusion. The study discusses the interplay between these socialization agents and how they contribute to school enrollment, retention, and overall educational equity. Despite the positive impact of these collaborations, several challenges persist, including socioeconomic disparities, cultural barriers, and institutional constraints. Finally, the paper offers policy recommendations aimed at improving primary school enrollment, strengthening the role of socialization agents, and promoting greater inclusivity and equity in primary education. This research pointed out the need for a collaborative approach to education that involves families, communities, schools, and policymakers in creating an equitable and accessible primary education system for all children.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Effect Of Personalized Instruction Strategy On Pupils’ Academic Achievement In Numeracy In Ilorin West Local Government Area Of Kwara State 2024-12-03T08:46:58+00:00 Azeez Arisekola Salman Ojo Ajibola Elisha <p><em>This study focused on effect of personalized instructional strategy on pupils academic achievement in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State. The study adopted pre-test post-test control group quasi-experimental research design. A factorial design of 2X2 was adopted for the study. The population comprises of all public and private primary schools pupils. The sample size were four primary three classes. First, all the schools were divided into two strata (Private and Public), and Purposive sampling technique was used to select (2) public and (2) private schools using intact class. Three research instruments were used titled: Pupils’ Numeracy Achievement Test (PNAT) with two treatment packages, Instructional Guide for Personalized Instruction (IGPI) and Instructional Guide for Conventional Method (IGCM). Instruments were subjected to face and content validity by some selected numeracy. Test re-test method of reliability was used. Thereafter, Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to determine the reliability index of (r=.71). Three research hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The demographic data of the participants, were analyzed using frequency counts, mean, and percentage while the research hypotheses were tested, using analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The finding revealed among others that there was a significant main effect of treatment on pupils’ academic achievement in Numeracy in Ilorin West Local Government, Kwara State (F <sub>(1; 129)</sub> = 10.175, P&lt; 0.05). Those exposed to Personalized Instruction (15.726) performed significantly higher than those exposed to conventional method (14.667). Based on the findings of this study, it can be explicitly stated that personalized instructional strategy can enhance better performance in Numeracy than the traditional method of teaching and learning. Recommendation were made among others, Numeracy teachers should be enlightened on the effectiveness of personalized instructional strategy on pupils’ academic performance in Numeracy. </em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Legal Protection For Land Rights Holders Upon Disposal Of Land Rights For Public Interest (Case Study Of Depok Toll Road Land Acquisition) 2024-12-12T02:51:57+00:00 Dinda Novianti Adi Sulistiyono Sapto Hermawan <p><em>Indonesia as a legal state is clearly guided by existing rules in policies relating to the rights of its citizens. This research aims to determine the form of legal protection for land ownership rights for development in the public interest of the Depok Toll Road and to determine the mechanism for providing compensation for land ownership rights for development in the public interest. The method used in this research is a normative research method with a conceptual and statutory approach, as well as using quantitative quantitative analysis in the form of quantitative analytical literature. Compensation for land for public purposes must be based on the principle of justice, where there are adequate guarantees to the entitled parties, the obstacle that arises is the lack of funds from the government for land acquisition.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences The Role Of Educational Philosophies (Progressivism, Existentialism And Postmodernism) In The Development Of Indonesian Human Resources: A Literature Study Approach 2024-11-30T16:12:56+00:00 Edwin Edwin I Wayan Suastra Anantawikrama Tungga Atmadja I Nyoman Tika <p><em>This research examines the role of three schools of educational philosophy-Progressivism, Existentialism and Postmodernism in the development of adaptive and competitive Indonesian human resources. Progressivism emphasises experiential learning, preparing students with critical thinking and problem-solving skills relevant to real life. Existentialism, on the other hand, emphasises individual freedom and the search for meaning, supporting education as a means for self-discovery and social responsibility. Postmodernism, meanwhile, emphasises a plurality of perspectives and rejects single truths, teaching students to think critically and appreciate diversity. This research uses a literature study approach to synthesise various findings that support the important contributions of these three schools of philosophy in shaping an educational curriculum that is responsive to social change and global needs. The results show that the integration of these philosophical values in education can produce human resources which are not only technically intelligent but also have reflective, adaptive characters and are able to collaborate in a complex environment</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Legal Defects Of Sale And Purchase Deeds: A Review Of The Responsibilities Of Officials Making Land Deeds In Indonesia 2024-12-16T15:47:39+00:00 Elvina Magistasari A.L. Sentot Sudarwanto Burhanudin Harahap <p>This research discusses legally defective sale and purchase deeds and the responsibilities of Land Deed Drafting Officials (PPAT) in Indonesia. Land is a vital element for fulfilling human needs, and land certificates as proof of ownership are very important in the agrarian legal system. The land buying and selling process must be carried out in accordance with legal provisions so that the resulting sale and purchase deed (AJB) has valid legal force. PPAT, as the official who has the authority to make authentic deeds, must ensure the validity of the documents and the completeness of the legal process when making AJB. Making AJB that meets formal and material requirements is very important; otherwise, legal defects may occur that result in PPAT's liability. This article examines the sanctions that can be imposed on PPAT if there are errors, both in administrative, civil and criminal contexts, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This research uses the nature of normative juridical research to analyze PPAT accountability and expand understanding of practices that are in accordance with law and professional ethics. The results show that PPAT has a big responsibility in maintaining the validity of deeds, and violations of legal procedures can result in serious sanctions, both administrative and criminal.</p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Decision by Brand Awareness and Trust (For Prospective Students Telkom Unversity) 2024-12-17T17:01:19+00:00 Novia Ruli Kuniawati Maya Ariyanti <p><em>This<strong> </strong></em><em>study aims to look at the influence of social media, brand awareness, trust,and purchase decision on the purchase of PIN at Telkom University prospective new students. This influence has previously been seen from previous research and is associated with relevant theories. This research uses descriptive and typhoid approach with quantitative research type. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling, the number of samples to be analyzed is 400 respondents of new students of Telkom University class of 2020. Data analysis techniques used are Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) which is processed with LISREL 8.8 software. The results revealed that social media marketing does not have a positive and significant influence on purchase decisions, but brand awareness and trust have a positive and significant influence on purchase decisions. The study also found that the indirect effect of social media marketing on purchase decisions through brand awareness and trust is more positive and significant than direct effects and brand awareness has a positive but insignificant effect on trusts. Conclusions and suggestions for further research have been included in the study.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Study Of Community Legal Culture From The Perspective Of River Maintenance In Banjarmasin City 2024-11-16T01:53:40+00:00 Nurul Listiyani Rakhmat Nopliardy <p><strong><em>Background</em></strong><em><sup>:</sup></em><em>The problem of river water resource management between upstream and downstream areas is a problem in the era of decentralization and regional autonomy. The era of regional autonomy has changed various authorities in the environmental sector which are increasingly limited at the central and provincial government levels but have become greater at the Regency/City level. Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government basically places the authority of the Regency/City Regional Government.<strong>Methods:</strong>The primary data obtained from the researcher's field research is expected to be able to answer these objectives. Furthermore, with secondary data, the researcher will conduct an inventory of primary legal materials in the form of regulations at both the national and regional levels that regulate river management and how the legal culture of the Banjarmasin City community utilizes and maintains rivers.<strong>Findings:</strong>The river culture in Banjarmasin City is not only marked by community activities carried out on the river, but also marked by the presence of settlements on the banks of the river, such as residential areas, places of worship, floating markets, siring, museums and other places on the banks of the river. In each sub-district there is a river caretaker whose job is to maintain and preserve it and as the first party to report if there is a problem related to the river. <strong>Conclusion:</strong>River culture is certainly a demand for society to be able to maintain the sustainability of rivers, because culture is not only about the activities and characteristics of a society, but is also seen from the behavior of its people in utilizing rivers, because rivers as a source of life must of course be utilized properly.<strong>Novelty/Originality of this article:</strong>An environmentally aware culture is crucial to improve so that there are no more people who do not care about preserving rivers and throwing garbage into rivers. River culture is certainly a demand for society to be able to maintain the sustainability of rivers, because culture is not only about the activities and characteristics of a society, but is also seen from the behavior of its people in utilizing rivers, because rivers as a source of life must of course be utilized properly.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Review Of Law Violations Against Lecturers Who Are Professionally As Notaries And Advocates 2024-12-14T03:24:15+00:00 Panggung Handoko <h1><em>Severak University, particularly graduate schools or colleges that have regulation resources or postgraduate projects; There are a large number in the legitimate field, for example, Legal officials, Supporters, Judges, and lawful callings or other legitimate professionals who are thought of as logically qualified and have a bringing in the scholarly field, becoming speakers or showing staff at graduate schools or regulation resources or projects. postgraduate. Completing double callings as a Supporter and furthermore as a teacher or showing staff some of the time leads to questions in regards to whether the double situation as a speaker or showing staff might be done and on the other hand whether the teacher may likewise act as a Promoter. This uncertainty can possibly bring about occasions that occasionally lead to states of legitimate vulnerability. In this exploration, the creator utilizes regularizing examination or library research techniques. Lawful examination completed by inspecting library materials or auxiliary information can be called regularizing legitimate exploration or library research. The examination results demonstrate the way that promoters can become teachers who are non-government workers. This likewise applies to the Public accountant calling who can become teachers, however for the legal official calling, in completing their calling, they are disallowed from filling in as heads of advanced education foundations or standing firm on underlying footings in advanced education establishments. The lawful ramifications for Public accountants who stand firm on simultaneous footings as heads of Advanced education Establishments with the presence of genuine legitimate guidelines, then, at that point, the activity and execution of authorizations against Legal officials who abuse the Public accountant's governing set of principles are forced with the sort and level of approvals for Disregarding Public accountants as: composed advance notice sanctions, impermanent suspension, transitory excusal , brief stop. with deference, to end without regard.</em></h1> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Analysis Of The Role Of National Health Insurance Cadres In The Collectibility Of BPJS Health Contributions In Medan City 2024-11-30T16:04:28+00:00 Ramadha Yanti Parinduri Agus Sukristyanto Rachmawati Novaria <p><em>This study discusses the role of JKN-KIS Cadres in the collectibility of BPJS Health contributions in Medan City. Based on the background of the problem, Medan City is experiencing a very large funding deficit in BPJS Health, so that financing of health facility and hospital funding claims will be hampered. Judging from several problems, the factors that cause the funding to swell are due to the large number of JKN-KIS participants who stop paying contributions so that expenses are not comparable to income. One of the methods used by BPJS Kesehatan Medan City based on BPJS Kesehatan Board of Directors Regulation No. 4 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of JKN-KIS Cadres is to recruit JKN-KIS Cadres as a collection and collection of participant contributions. So that with this Cadre network, it can increase income for BPJS Kesehatan. Therefore, to analyze the role of the JKN-KIS Cadres, the researcher used quantitative and qualitative or mixed research methods where the quantitative approach focuses on numbers and measurable data, the qualitative approach focuses on deepening the respondent's experience of the events they experienced. Data collection techniques use open questionnaires, interviews, observations and other supporting documents. Data analysis using Huberman and Miles analysis techniques, namely; reducing data, presenting data, and concluding data. Based on the results obtained, it shows that the role of JKN-KIS Cadres in the collectibility of BPJS Kesehatan contributions in Medan City has had a significant impact and has been implemented well as much as 33.06% even though there has been a reduction and the target achievement has not been achieved, but with the role of Cadres implemented in Medan City, it also has an impact in serving the community related to the dissemination of JKN information and BPJS Kesehatan social marketing. The things that are the lack of collectibility of contributions carried out by JKN-KIS Cadres are that Medan City has UHC so that people who are in arrears will feel lazy in making payment bills that have been in arrears.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Review of the Principles of Justice in Fixed-Time Work Agreements and Their Implications for Law and Development in the Era of the Job Creation Law 2024-12-05T03:18:37+00:00 Safrida Safrida <p><em>This study aims to examine the application of the principle of justice in fixed-term employment agreements (PKWT) in Indonesia within the context of the Job Creation Law. The principle of justice serves as a fundamental guideline in employment relationships, particularly in ensuring a balance between the rights and obligations of workers and employers. This research employs a normative legal approach, which involves a literature review and analysis of legal regulations, doctrines, and principles of justice relevant to PKWT. The findings indicate that the application of the principle of justice in PKWT during the era of the Job Creation Law still faces various challenges, particularly regarding the protection of workers' rights and equality in employment relationships. This study also discusses the legal implications of implementing PKWT on economic development and labor reform in Indonesia. Specifically, the impact of PKWT has the potential to accelerate economic growth through flexibility in the labor market, but it may also create uncertainty for workers, affecting social stability. Therefore, strategies are needed to ensure that labor reforms not only support economic growth but also uphold justice and protection for all parties involved.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Notary's Responsibility For Authentic Deeds Which The Participant Uses A Fake Identity In Sukoharjo Regency 2024-11-30T16:09:17+00:00 Shindi Yulia Ardana Sentot Sudarwanto Andina Elok Puri maharani <p><em>Authentic deeds have a very important position. This is because authentic deeds are recognized by law and have very strong evidentiary power. Often cases of identity forgery by the witness used in the making of authentic deeds are found, which have a serious impact and cause various problems. The notary is only in charge of recording the data and information provided by the witness, as is known, the notary does not have the authority to conduct a material and passive investigation of false information and identities by the witnesses, but often if the notary is dragged and held accountable in the event of a dispute. </em><em>The purpose of this writing, in general, the author wants to develop legal knowledge in the field of notary law. The writing in this journal analyzes the responsibility of notaries for authentic deeds that use false identities and the efforts that can be made by notaries to prevent identity forgery in making authentic deeds. So that unwanted things do not happen to people in good faith and notaries. The method of approach used is a qualitative approach, a research method that focuses on a deep understanding of the phenomenon being studied through the interpretation of context and meaning. This approach tends to generate descriptive data in the form of words, imagery, or narratives, and focuses more on understanding how and why a phenomenon occurs rather than simply measuring its frequency or magnitude.</em> <em>The results of the study show that the responsibility of a notary in making authentic deeds can be seen from the negligence of the Notary in making authentic deeds, the negligence in question is if the notary has made a deed that is not in accordance with the existing rules or the notary consciously and deliberately makes a deed with the aim of benefiting himself or certain parties, then the notary can be held responsible, However, if the negligence that arises is not from the notary but from the witness, either intentionally or unrelated to the identity or false information provided by the witness which is used as the basis for making an authentic deed and makes the deed incorrect, then it becomes the responsibility of the parties themselves as it is known that the notary has no obligation and is passive in terms of materially investigating the information and or the identity submitted by the witness.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences The Influence of Accounting Information Systems, Information Quality, and Service Quality on User Satisfaction in the Shopee E-Commerce Application (Empirical Study on S1 Accounting Students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University 2024-11-30T16:12:03+00:00 Sonnia Ardelia Hong Simarmata Irwansyah Irwansyah <p><em>Sonnia Ardelia Hong Simarmata, The Effect of Accounting Information Systems, Information Quality and Service Quality on User Satisfaction in E-Commerce Shopee Application (Empirical Study on Undergraduate Students of Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University), in the guidance of Mr. Irwansyah. The study's primary objective is to figure out what type of content Shopee brand app clients are. In our quest, we depend on the investigations undertaken by DeLone and McLean. Students from Mulawarman University's School of Business and Economics taking part. Using the Slovin method, the researchers settled upon a sample size of 91 for the study. In order to collect data from a stratified and unfiltered group of people, we utilized Google Forms questionnaires. As part of its mathematical modeling the method, the study used the SEM-PLS method and SmartPLS 3.2.9 programs. The Shopee e-commerce app's data shows that accounting information systems significantly and positively affect consumer happiness. Just like every other aspect of a product or service, information quality significantly impacts consumer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction with the Shopee e-commerce app is low regardless of the quality of service</em><em>.</em></p> <p> </p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences The Legal Position Of Marriage Agreements Regarding Land Rights In Mixed Marriages In Indonesia 2024-11-30T16:08:22+00:00 Tadisa Thalia Salsabilla Yudho Taruno Muryanto Erna Dyah Kusumawati <p><em>The purpose of this article is to analyze the legal position of prenuptial agreements in mixed marriages regarding land rights. The type of research used is normative legal research that investigates the systematics of law. This systematic legal research is conducted on laws and regulations or laws that are in accordance with the topic raised. The results of the study indicate that making a prenuptial agreement for the separation of property in mixed marriages is an effective way to resolve cases related to land rights in mixed marriages. Settlement of land ownership disputes in mixed marriages without a prenuptial agreement in Indonesia is by filing a request for separation of property by one of the husband and wife to the court according to their relative competence. This shows that without a prenuptial agreement, the legal process to protect land rights becomes more complex and requires court intervention. Therefore, a prenuptial agreement is considered important because it provides a more efficient path. According to the author, this settlement is the only best and legal way in the eyes of the law.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Overmacht And Unforeseen Circumstances In Agreements According To Indonesian Civil Law And Dutch Law 2024-11-17T12:54:26+00:00 Vera Fitri Fatmawati Adi Sulistiyono Dona Budi Kharisma <p><em>An agreement generally includes a clause on force majeure. This is so that the parties understand between negligence caused by the parties themselves and negligence that occurs due to force majeure. This research is a normative-research that studies legal objectives, values of justice, validity of legal rules, legal concepts, and legal norms. The source materials used in this research are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Primary legal materials are the Indonesian Criminal Code and the Dutch Criminal Code. Furthermore, the data collected is analyzed qualitatively. Overmacht is intended to provide protection to one of the parties harmed in an agreement, provided that the objective and/or subjective conditions of a situation can be classified as overmacht. Overmacht is a common clause in an agreement in Indonesia, the regulation of this clause is found in the Civil Code in Article 1244 and Article 1245, the position of Overmacht in an agreement is in the main agreement, not separate as an additional agreement and associated with the main agreement. Dutch contract law places great importance on the agreement reached between the parties to the contract. Therefore, Dutch courts are reluctant to set aside binding agreements on grounds based on force majeure events and unforeseen circumstances. Contracting parties should scrutinize carefully the agreed risk allocation (e.g. when drafting a force majeure clause) between them before signing the agreement, as ultimately, the agreed risk allocation set out in the agreement, will most likely be upheld.</em></p> 2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Research Trends On Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse: A 20 Years Bibliometric Analysis 2024-12-22T16:27:06+00:00 Erwin Hermawan <p><em>Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse (TA-CSA) is a critical issue. This study examines the trends of TA-CSA studies globally to understand the issues. Bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer was conducted on 840 selected journal articles published in the last 20 years from the Scopus database. Between 2002 and 2023, scientific articles on the subject were published by 89 countries, with the US, UK, and Canada being the top 3 countries with the highest publication in TA-CSA. Authors from the US and UK dominate research related to TA-CSA. Research on CSA is more related to medicine, psychology, and social science. TA-CSA research tends to increase, with the highest increase occurring in 2020. Bibliometric analysis also reveals researchers' concerns and research trends regarding TA-CSA. The consistent presence of clusters focusing on TA-CSA highlights the ongoing and persistent nature of this issue. Research in this area continues to explore various aspects, including the prevalence, risk factors, and the impact on victims. It emphasises policy evaluation and victims' access to and accept various forms of protection and assistance.</em></p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences