Management Structural Reviewer Of Performance Efficiency By Head Of Administration Officer Of Islamic Senior High School In Lampung Province
The performance in question according that Wirawan is oriented to the outcome of a good
work done by workers who are based on certain skills (profession) and work without being
based on the work with expertise.The purpose of the research in this journal is to know the
work of the administrative officer in the MAN of Lampung province.The results of this study
indicate that (a) the Planning of administrative performance in the Financial Administration
Service has been in accordance with the mechanism in arrange the planning performance
management, (b) the communication of the performance of the administration in the Financial
Administration service has a managerial competence with its style so that it can improve the
performance of the administrative staff who serve the financial administration, (c) evaluation
of the performance of administration in the financial administrative services to the supervision
to evaluate the quality of work of the administration in the financial services to the head of
administration, (d) the development of the performance of the administration in the financial
services conducted through the motivation to improve knowledge through formal education
and training held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Head of administration of MAN
Lampung Province has shown good work in providing services, however not yet 100% but
approximately 90% already working provide good service for the satisfaction of teachers,
students or interested parties. For example, work on assignments and requests according to
what is commanded. Administrative officers have many ways that can be done in improving
performance, especially in providing services such as improving existing skills by providing
and involving employees in all forms of training. Constraints faced at the time of providing
services, lack of the responsiveness of employees in understanding the psychology of
consumers, the number of workloads that run with a little short time and the slow response that
is shown by consumers when the administration officers explain what they need
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