Analysis Of Operational Management Functions In Ud. Aneka Plastic


  • Agustalinda Nora Faculty of Economics, University of Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
  • Nurdelila Nurdelila Faculty of Economics, University of Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
  • Diana Sari Harahap Faculty of Economics, University of Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia



Management operational, Management Function Operational


UD. Aneka Plastic is wrong one company engaged in the plastics industry. Destination this research is for describe
managementoperational with explain function managementoperational on UD. Aneka Plastic. Method study used is
qualitative and purposive sampling with conducted interviews with 3 informants. Test validity data which used is
triangulation source. Results study this show thatthe company has a capacity that is not excess and could produce
product in accordance with Requestbuyers, strategic location so easy to reach by supplier and power work, system
location which notice security and safety employee,good product quality and difficult for competitors to imitate, as
well as method production which clear. Besides that, have scheduling regarding production, namely Master
Production Detailed Schedule , Detailed Short-Term Schedule withhave system management maintenance machine,
and Staff Schedule which clear so that company could carry out production activities smoothly. Supervision
operational in company showed with delivery of goods fulfilled, stock storage in sufficient warehouse, have potential
suppliers, and could control inventory with good. Structureorganization, job description , vision and mission, as well
as SOPs written and clearly required by the company. Motivation, more employee involvement, and rewards are also
necessarynoticed for employee. Facility supporter also need added so that atmosphere in company no boring .


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How to Cite

Nora, A. ., Nurdelila, N., & Sari Harahap, D. . (2022). Analysis Of Operational Management Functions In Ud. Aneka Plastic. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 3(3), 1191–1200.


