Assimilation Program Planning By The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights In Overcoming The Spread Of Covid-19 At The Corporate Institution
Assimilation, Covid-19, Over capacityAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the assimilation program launched by
the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in order to overcome the spread of Covid-19
in prisons so that it does not over capacity. The type of research method used is
normative juridical. Based on the results of the study, it is known that if assimilation
and integration continue to apply, there are at least two additional requirements,
namely; The provision of assimilation and integration must involve supervisory
judges and observers for their consideration and risk assessment. Furthermore, for
the long term, in anticipating overcapacity in correctional institutions, immediately
ratify the Draft Criminal Code which has the concept of Criminal Individualization
and Criminalization which is expected to be able to provide protection and welfare
for the community and still pay attention to the interests of criminal acts.
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