The Influence Of Perception Of Leadership Style And Climate Organization On Teacher Performance
The aims and objectives of this research are to answer three research questions: 1).
to analyze the influence of leadership style on teacher performance; 2). Analyzing
the influence of Organizational Climate on Teacher performance, and 3). analyze
the influence of Leadership Style and organizational climate together on Teacher
performance. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive analysis,
simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression, using simultaneous
significance experiments (F-test) and partial experiments (t-test), and the coefficient
of certainty (R2
), and using the SPSS type application program 21.0 version. The
illustrations used in this research were obtained through the Non-Probability
Sampling method of collecting images, namely sampling with 100 teachers. After
testing the information, it is known that the Leadership Style (X1) has a positive
effect on Teacher Ability (Y), with a Regression Coefficient of +0.481; significance
level of 0.000 < 0.05; as a result (t-count) 5.284 > 1.985 (t-table), with a regression
obtained Y = 90.005 + 0.481 X1 + e. After that, it was known that Organization
Climate (X2) had a positive effect on Teacher Ability (Y), with a Regression
Coefficient of +0.662; degrees of significance 0.000 < 0.05, as a result (t-count)
7.499 > 1.985 (t-table), with a regression obtained Y = 71.101 + 0.662 X1 + e.
Finally, the Elastic Leadership Style (X1) and the Elastic Group Eve (X2) jointly
have a positive effect on Teacher Ability (Y), with an F number of 31,614 and a
chart F-number of 3,09. As a result, the F number is more significant than the F
chart (31.614 > 3.09), with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05.
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