Developing English Speaking Material For Students Of Business And Management Program At Vocational School


  • Berman Lumbannahor Master Program of the English Language Education, The Faculty of Languages and Arts, The State University of Jakarta
  • Darmahusni Darmahusni Master Program of the English Language Education, The Faculty of Languages and Arts, The State University of Jakarta
  • Muchlas Suseno Master Program of the English Language Education, The Faculty of Languages and Arts, The State University of Jakarta



The objective of this study was to develop English speaking material
based on students’ needs. This study followed the steps of research and
development proposed by Borg and Gall. Which are 1) evaluation and
need analysis; 2) material development; 3) validation; 4) revision and
final production. It was found that 83% students agreed that the existing
materials currently used by the students were irrelevant with business
and management program.The irrelevance materials were then
developed through CTL approach and relevant with their study program
and work life situation. The learning materials were developed into 6
units of speaking material. The learning materials were then validated
by two experts. The average score of the validation was 88, It showed
that learning materials were very good, relevant and feasible.


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How to Cite

Lumbannahor, B. ., Darmahusni, D., & Suseno, M. . (2023). Developing English Speaking Material For Students Of Business And Management Program At Vocational School. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(3), 460–464.


