Designing Lexicogrammar Microlearning-Based Materials Infused With Listening Skills For 7th Graders


  • Rizdika Mardiana Lecture of Master Program of English Language Education, Faculty of Language and Arts,Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Darmahusni Darmahusni Lecture of Master Program of English Language Education, Faculty of Language and Arts,Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Dwi Astuti Student of Master Program of English Language Education, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Muhamad Aziz Muslim Student of Master Program of English Language Education, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia



This study focused on the designing of English lexicogrammar materials that incorporate microlearning for
junior high school students, especially 7th graders. The study aimed to develop effective instructional
materials that enhance students' understanding of lexico-grammatical concepts through microlearning. A
design-based research methodology was employed in this study in three phases (Richey & Klein, 2014b),
namely analysis, design, and development. Information related to existing materials was gathered; the
product model was planned; and the prototype design was then developed. Data was existing learning
materials collected from teachers after they were interviewed and filled out a questionnaire. This study also
utilized qualitative content analysis to examine a set of existing learning materials consisting of textbooks,
PDFs, and ppt slides. The findings showed that the existing materials are not microlearning-based. The
design of learning materials in lexicogrammar integrated with the listening skill named medium of
microlearning objects was in the form of two podcasts, one audiobook, and some interactive games in
integration with listening skill.


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How to Cite

Mardiana, R. ., Darmahusni, D., Astuti, D. ., & Aziz Muslim, M. . (2023). Designing Lexicogrammar Microlearning-Based Materials Infused With Listening Skills For 7th Graders. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(5), 944–952.