Development Of The Implementation Of The Principle Of Contradiction Delimitation In The Process Of Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL)


  • Dian Patarida Sitorus Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Lego Karjoko Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia



Land registration since the enactment of the basic agrarian law has never produced
significant results until the last few years. The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
Planning / National Land Agency often looks for ways to speed up land registration with
the registration program proposed since 2016, namely the complete systematic land
registration (PTSL). One of the important stages in the systematic registration of land is
the application of the principle of delimitation contradiction. This study discusses the
implementation of the principle of contradiction delimitation that has changed since the
systematic land registry was implemented. This study aims to show how the effect of
changes in the mechanism of implementation of the STs, especially in the implementation
of the principle of contradiction delimitation. The research methods used in this work are
normative legal research methods with a focus on positive legal norms as the main
material. The results of this research is a change of the mechanism of implementation of
the new PTSL resulted in changes in the implementation of the principle of contradiction
delimitation. With the new PTSL implementation scheme, land registration is expected to
be implemented with a relatively shorter period of time so that it will be more efficient.
However, this change reduces the legal certainty of the regulation regarding the
application of the principle of delimitation contradiction. The government in making
policies is expected to always prioritize the importance of the legal basis for new policies
before they are made.


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How to Cite

Patarida Sitorus, D. ., Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, I. ., & Karjoko, L. . (2023). Development Of The Implementation Of The Principle Of Contradiction Delimitation In The Process Of Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL). International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(3), 566–573.




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