The Development Of Correctional System Of Narcotic And Prohibited Drugs Using The Criminon Program At Cipinang Narcotics Special Penitentiary


  • Raidin Raidin Master’s of Legal Studies, Universitas Islam Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Raihan Raihan Master’s of Legal Studies, Universitas Islam Jakarta, Indonesia



Broadly speaking, coaching at the Narcotics Special Penitentiary has the same goal,
namely to rehabilitate convicts so that they become good and law-abiding citizens.
However, in the implementation of coaching, there are still obstacles that cause the
coaching program to not run effectively. This research is aimed at answering
questions related to the implementation of fostering narcotics case convicts at the
Narcotics Special Penitentiary and what are the obstacles encountered in the
implementation of coaching for narcotics case convicts. This is a research that uses
the library research method but the data collection is also complemented by semistructured interviews with drug case convicts, coaching program instructors and
also officials responsible for coaching program licenses. The results of the study
indicate that the implementation of the program for fostering convicts of narcotics
cases using the Criminon method cannot be said to be effective. This can be seen
from a number of obstacles encountered during program implementation. These
obstacles are not only in the program, but also in the inmates who are coached and
the instructors who do not understand the theories of the Criminon program.


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How to Cite

Raidin, R., & Raihan, R. (2023). The Development Of Correctional System Of Narcotic And Prohibited Drugs Using The Criminon Program At Cipinang Narcotics Special Penitentiary. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 4(4), 722–729.


