Development of Teaching Material Supplement for Geography Subject Based on Local Wisdom of Kaili Da'a in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi
Handout geography Supplement,Local Wisdom of Kaili Da’aAbstract
The aim of the research was to develop a supplement of teaching materials for class
XI geography subjects based on the local wisdom of the Kaili Da'a tribe in Sigi
Regency, Central Sulawesi, which is valid and feasible. Before developing the
supplement of teaching materials, first make preparations, namely: (1) Kaili Da'a
research community in Dombu village, Marawola Sub district, Sigi Regency related
to local wisdom values that are relevant to the geography material of XI high school
class. (2) Examines the Content Competency, Basic Competence, Teaching Material
and values of local wisdom that can be implemented in the geography learning
materials of class XI high school. Teaching material supplements developed were
validated by material experts and linguists. Products validated by material experts
and linguists show a percentage of 85% with qualifications that are very suitable for
use, after which a revision is made. The revised teaching material supplement was
then tested for eligibility in small groups. The small group was 20 students of SMA 4
Sigi, 20 students of SMA AL-Khairat Kalukubula, and 20 students of SMA 2 Sigi.
The results of the feasibility test in the small group were 86.15% for SMA Negeri 4
Sigi, 87.30% for SMA AL-Khairat Kalukubula and 86.73% for SMA Negeri 2 Sigi.
These percentages respectively showed that the results of the development of
teaching material supplements received responses. Positive and qualify as eligible to
be used as a supplement of teaching materials.
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