Implementation Of The MS-BSc Concept In Improving Teacher Competence And Quality (Descriptive Study At MTsN 4 Tabalong, South Kalimantan Province)


  • Rasma Afifah MTsN 4 Tabalong, MTsN 4 Tabalong, Uninus Islam Nusantara, Indonesia
  • Siti Mas'amah MTsN 4 Tabalong, MTsN 4 Tabalong, Uninus Islam Nusantara, Indonesia
  • Iim Wasliman MTsN 4 Tabalong, MTsN 4 Tabalong, Uninus Islam Nusantara, Indonesia
  • Eva Dianawati MTsN 4 Tabalong, MTsN 4 Tabalong, Uninus Islam Nusantara, Indonesia



One of the educational problems that exist in Indonesia itself is regarding the competence of
teachers who are still classified or relatively low. This is of course a big problem, because
teachers in their function in the world of education need to fulfill several competencies in order
to produce the expected performance and in the end be able to succeed in educational goals. in
adequate conditions. A good education should not only fulfill the facilities and infrastructure,
but in terms of the teachers must also be of good quality. The size of the education budget is not
a determinant that can improve the quality of education. why? Because the quality or
competence of teachers can still be said to be something that is a problem. In the fieldsof
management of educational institutions, there are many resources needed, such as: human,
facilities and infrastructure, content and knowledge, to network partnerships. In relation to the
utilization of these various resources, the level of performance success can be seen from four (4)
main sectors or what is often known as The Balanced Scorecard, namely: 1) Financial Aspects;
2) Stakeholder Aspect; 3) Aspects of Internal Process Implementation; 4) Overall Institutional
Growth. Based on the mapping, it is known that in order to improve the competence of teachers,
the education office can make various efforts including: 1) Academic and Non-Academic
Achievements both institutions, teachers and students; 2) Strong managerial leadership; 3)
Improving the Teacher Competency Improvement Process.


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How to Cite

Afifah, R. ., Mas’amah, S. ., Wasliman, I. ., & Dianawati, E. . (2022). Implementation Of The MS-BSc Concept In Improving Teacher Competence And Quality (Descriptive Study At MTsN 4 Tabalong, South Kalimantan Province). International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 3(6), 2375–2380.

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