Random Verse Method As An Innovation In The Tahfidz Juz 'Amma Program At Mi Sains & Alam Ulul Albab Tulungagung


  • Arista Fathurrohmah Graduate Program UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia
  • Agus Zaenul Fitri Lecturer in UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia
  • Nita Agustina Nurlaila Eka Erfiana Lecturer in UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia
  • Ali Mufron Lecturer in Sekolah Tinggi Agama Nahdlatul Ulama (STAINU) Pacitan, Indonesia
  • Luluk Atirotu Zahroh Lecturer in UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia




Innovation of the tahfidz juz 'amma program, random verse method.


This research is motivated by a phenomenon that occurs in the field, that currently, there are programs
implemented in an institution, not just a way to make progress at the institution, but in marketing efforts so
as not to lose competitiveness with elementary school institutions in general. However, this is different from
the facts on the ground, namely at the MI Sains & Alam Ulul Albab Maron Boyolangu Tulungagung
institution, which actually has a program as a typical institution curriculum that aims to create a new idea
that is able to support the learning process of its students, especially in the tahfidz program juz 'amma. The
phenomenon in this institution is the innovation of the tahfidz juz 'amma program, which aims to strengthen
students' memorization. So that this is not only able to become a characteristic of the institution's
curriculum program itself but also able to become a branding institution that is beneficial to all. The
research approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. The type of research used in this
research is descriptive research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and
documentation studies. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing
conclusions. In contrast, checking the validity of the data using triangulation techniques, namely sources,
techniques, and time. The results of this research showed that: (1) The discovery of the random verse
method used in the tahfidz juz 'amma program. The random verse method is a combination that combines
general material as an easy way to memorize and strengthen students' memorization. (2) The distribution
of the random verse methods used in the tahfidz juz 'amma program. Delivering to students regarding the
new method in the tahfidz juz 'amma program. Conduct socialization and parenting with parents so that
they can work together optimally. (3) The absorption of the random verse method used in the tahfidz juz
'ama program. Pay attention to the material that students can understand according to grade level. Build
good coordination between institutions and parents to help accompany, support, and monitor student
progress. The idea of developing a method for memorizing juz 'amma and the ability of the institution to
create a new method as an effort to implement the tahfidz program resulted in a positive point of view for
various parties, both for the institution itself, students as implementers, and guardians of students. The
growth of the spirit of learning to use new ways in implementing the tahfidz juz 'amma program, because
the method used can be easily understood by students. The guardians who know and cooperate with this
innovation have positive thoughts, especially for the development of their children's tahfidz. Based on the
good responses from various parties, as well as the ability of students who find it easier and more
enjoyable to participate in the tahfidz program with this new method, it can be concluded that the
innovation of the tahfidz juz 'amma program has been able to strengthen the memorization of the students of
MI Sains & Alam Ulul Albab Maron Boyolangu Tulungagung. Purely because of the habit of applying the
new method used. Thus, they can be said to be students with strong memorization power in carrying out
tahfidz juz 'amma.


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How to Cite

Fathurrohmah, A. ., Zaenul Fitri, A. ., Agustina Nurlaila Eka Erfiana, N. ., Mufron, A. ., & Atirotu Zahroh, L. . (2022). Random Verse Method As An Innovation In The Tahfidz Juz ’Amma Program At Mi Sains & Alam Ulul Albab Tulungagung. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 3(6), 2413–2419. https://doi.org/10.51601/ijersc.v3i6.574

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