Strategic Management Education In Improving Competitiveness The Pondok Pesantren "Al Amin " Mojokerto
The aim of this research is to determine the strategic management of education in increasing competitiveness at the
Al-Amin Mojokerto Islamic boarding school. The research method used is a qualitative research approach.The data
collection procedure used in this research is: Participant Observation. in-depth interviews (in deep interviews), and
Documentation. This research uses a case study design, so analyzing the data is carried out in three stages, namely:
(1) data condensation, (2) data presentation, and (3) verification and drawing conclusions. Research results
regardingstrategic management in increasing competitiveness at the Al Amin Mojokerto Islamic boarding school,
namely: 1) The condition of demand for Islamic boarding schools with an increase in students every year, demand is
getting bigger every year, Good management by providing Islamic boarding schools, Good communication with the
head and foundation for the advancement of madrasas, adding educational staff and infrastructure, 2) Offers made by
Islamic boarding schools by preparing and managing students well, students must board, so that students can go to
school and recite the Koran, creating a clean and healthy environment, integrating the Ministry of Religion's
curriculum learning and Salafiyah curriculum. 3) Marketing carried out by Islamic boarding schools is as follows: a)
by combining learning from the Ministry of Religion curriculum and the Salafiyah curriculum, and supporting the
development of life skills and achievements by providing qiro'atul Qur'an training, monthly khitobah, computer
courses, bahtsul masail, tahfidz al-Qur'an, coaching and achievement development programs for subjects and special
programs. b) the costs allocated are in accordance with the budget, economical and in accordance with needs and
simplicity, c) by utilizing alumni because alumni are real living brochures and through websites and marching
competitions. d) Location of the Islamic boarding school, namely: access to the madrasa is very easy and there is
expansion of the location. b) the costs allocated are in accordance with the budget, economical and in accordance
with needs and simplicity, c) by utilizing alumni because alumni are real living brochures and through websites and
marching competitions. d) Location of the Islamic boarding school, namely: access to the madrasa is very easy and
there is expansion of the location. b) the costs allocated are in accordance with the budget, economical and in
accordance with needs and simplicity, c) by utilizing alumni because alumni are real living brochures and through
websites and marching competitions. d) Location of the Islamic boarding school, namely: access to the madrasa is
very easy and there is expansion of the location.
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