School Health Business Management (Uks) To Improve Healthy Lifestyles In Sd Negeri Dki Jakarta
Management, UKS and Healthy Lifestyle.Abstract
School Health Business Management (UKS) to improve a healthy lifestyle at SDN Jakarta, has not run optimally in its
implementation, so that many UKS programs have not been realized as they should. If there is no solution, it is feared
that UKS activities will not run. The specific purpose of this study is to get an overview of UKS management in
improving a healthy lifestyle at SDN Jakarta. The general objectives are: a. To find out the UKS management plan in
improving a healthy lifestyle at SDN Jakarta, b. To find out the organization of UKS management in improving a
healthy lifestyle at SDN Jakarta, c. To find out the implementation of UKS management in improving a healthy lifestyle
at SDN Jakarta, d. To find out the assessment of UKS management in improving a healthy lifestyle at SDN Jakarta. e.
To find out the problems of UKS management in improving a healthy lifestyle at SDN Jakarta f. To find out UKS
management solutions to improve a healthy lifestyle at SDN Jakarta. The philosophical basis of this research is the
philosophy of constructivism, while the theoretical basis used is the management theory by GR Terry (2009), the theory
by UKS Notoatmodjo, et al (2012) and the theory of healthy lifestyles by Kus Irianto (2004). qualitative. Data
collection is done through: Documentation studies, observations, interviews, and triangulation. The results of the
research include: planning, organizing, implementing, assessing, problems and solutions for UKS management to
improve a healthy lifestyle at SDN Jakarta, requires visionary leadership, responsibility, and upgrading human
resources with all supporting facilities so as to produce graduates who care about healthy lifestyles, healthy lifestyles,
both in terms of input, process, output and outcome. Conclusion; UKS management to improve healthy lifestyles for SD
Negeri DKI Jakarta students which has a positive impact on increasing healthy living behaviors both at school and in
their environment
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