State Defense Education Management Pada Ppkn Teachers To Prepare Middle School Students Who Spirit Of Patriotism At Smp Negeri Dki Jakarta


  • Bangun Pandapotan Hutajulu Nusantara Islamic University, West Java, Indonesia
  • Sutaryat Trisnamansyah Nusantara Islamic University, West Java, Indonesia
  • Hendi Suhendraya Muchtar Nusantara Islamic University, West Java, Indonesia
  • Rita Sulastini Nusantara Islamic University, West Java, Indonesia



Management, State Defense and Patriotism.


The background of research on state defense education for PPKn teachers is because so far
the implementation has not been optimal. The obstacle is the incompetent educational human
resources so that special education is needed to defend the state. The general objective is to
get an overview of the management of state defense education for Civics teachers to prepare
students with patriotism at SMPN Jakarta. The specific objective is to find out the planning,
organization, implementation, assessment, constraints, solutions and analyze state defense
education for PPKn teachers in preparing patriotic-spirited students at SMPN Jakarta.
Descriptive methods and techniques of observation, interviews, study documentation.
Foundation: George R. Terry's Management Theory (2014), Baidowi's State Defense Theory
(2016), and Bakry's Patriotism Theory (2010). Using a qualitative approach, philosophically,
follow the philosophy of reconstruction. The research subjects consisted of principals,
teachers, school committees, supervisors. The results of the study (a) Planning for state
defense education for PPKn teachers at SMPN Jakarta by making a work plan to be
implemented right. (b). Organizing state defense education for PPKn teachers can be done to
facilitate the work of each section (c) Implementation of education state defense for PPKn
teachers, through the process and learning outcomes of state defense education inside and
outside schools through extracurricular activities with structured independent activities (d).
Assessment of state defense education for PPKn teachers, through knowledge and fostering
the attitude of students with a patriotic spirit (d). The obstacles to state defense education for
PPKn teachers are human resources, state defense program managers, budget, infrastructure
(e). The solution for state defense education for PPKn teachers requires the leadership of a
visionary, responsible principal, so as to produce graduates who have a patriotic spirit, both
in input, process, output and outcome. Conclusion; State defense education management to
prepare patriotic junior high school students in DKI Jakarta Province has a positive impact
on improving student behavior.



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How to Cite

Pandapotan Hutajulu, B. ., Trisnamansyah, S. ., Suhendraya Muchtar, H. ., & Sulastini, R. . (2022). State Defense Education Management Pada Ppkn Teachers To Prepare Middle School Students Who Spirit Of Patriotism At Smp Negeri Dki Jakarta. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 3(4), 1412–1417.




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