The Problems Of Integrated Science Learning (Use Of Learning Media Reviewed From The Teacher Aspect)
The role of media in learning process is the one of indicator that influences student
learning outcomes. In terms of developing instructional media, the role of educators
is the most decisive thing that compiled media can convey the contents of learning
material well to students. So, the educator skills in terms of the use of instructional
media it’s very necessary, especially in science learning. The purpose of this study
are (1) to analyze the problems felt by the teacher in the field of integrated science
studies in the Utilization of Learning Media; (2) knowing the causes of the problems
faced by the teacher in the use of media in the learning process and (3) to providing
solutions for the existing problems to overcome the problems that faced by the
teacher in the field of integrated science studies.Descriptive qualitative method is
the method that used in this study with data collection techniques direct interviews
with teachers in Junior High School Number 6 in Padangsidimpuan, and
observation while the learning goes on. The results showed there some problems felt
by teachers in the use of media in the learning process, that’s : (1) lack of
motivation by school principal to teachers;(2) training on making learning media
has never been followed by teachers; (3) not all of teachers have an awareness of
the importance of learning media; (4) lack of time owned by teachers in terms of
preparing the media that they will use; (5) lack of teacher knowledge in terms of
developing existing learning media ;(6) teachers are less concerned with the use of
media when teaching and learning process in the classroom and more of them only
rely the text books in the learning process; and (7)Evaluation of teacher
performance in the classroom is rarely done.
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