Management Of Community Learning Activity Centers In Fostering Independence Of Learning Citizens Package C Through Lifeskill Education


  • Raden Roro Vemmi Kesumadewi Doctoral Program, Nusantara Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Iim Wasliman Nusantara Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Hendi Suhendraya Muchtar Nusantara Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Nandang Koswara Nusantara Islamic University, Indonesia



PKBM is currently being developed by various parties, both by the community, social and religious institutions
(organizations), or formed by the government, especially the District/City Education Office, District through
Community Education Inspectors, even at the Village/Kelurahan level. However, the problems that surround it
continue to occur, this is due to the large number of PKBMs that are not established on the basis of the community's
need, but are built on the basis of the interest of absorbing government programs only. In addition, PKBM has not
really played a role as a facilitator who empowers the community. In fact, there are still many PKBMs that were
engineered to encourage people to establish PKBM. The research approach used is qualitative. The data collection
method used is the case study method. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques (observations),
interview techniques, documentation studies, bibliographic studies (library studies) and participation. Based on the
results of research findings, interpretations and discussions, it is concluded that PKBM Management in Fostering
Independence of Learning Citizens Package C through Lifeskill Education through the stages of planning,
organizing, implementing and evaluating, is not optimal because there are still weaknesses in Sempurna PKBM and
Al Hikmah PKBM. Meanwhile, the results of the study indicate that PKBM Management has not been developed
fundamentally either based on curriculum theory, national system qualification rules and lifelong learning
achievements as the basis for implementing PKBM management which is the basic orientation of implementing life
skills education in PKBM. Activities carried out in planning begin with the teacher analyzing KI/KD, syllabus,
teacher books and student books. The organization of learning materials is made in balance between the competence
of attitudes, knowledge and skills, so that students can master the material theoretically, have an honest attitude,
have character, taqwa, be creative and be devoted to both parents. Implementation of the learning process with the
steps of learning activities according to the syllabus, teacher's book and lesson plans, including very good
qualifications. The problem faced is the availability of PKWU learning time allocation which is only two hours of
lessons in one week and the lack of synchrony between education at home and in PKBM. The solution in overcoming
these problems is that PKBM makes every effort to fortify students and all elements in PKBM with noble character
and positive character of independence through well-programmed habituation and exemplary activities and PKBM
strives to continue to develop an independent curriculum based on independence skills, noble character, skilled and
have a good future.


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How to Cite

Roro Vemmi Kesumadewi, R. ., Wasliman, I. ., Suhendraya Muchtar, H. ., & Koswara, N. . (2022). Management Of Community Learning Activity Centers In Fostering Independence Of Learning Citizens Package C Through Lifeskill Education. International Journal of Educational Research &Amp; Social Sciences, 3(5), 2022–2033.

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